Anthony Pym

Anthony Pym is Distinguished Professor of Translation and Intercultural Studies at Rovira i Virgili University in Spain, Professor of Translation Studies at the University of Melbourne in Australia, and Professor Extraordinary at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. He was a fellow of the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies from 2010 to 2015, Visiting Researcher at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey from 2008 to 2016, Walter Benjamin Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna in 2015, and President of the European Society for Translation Studies from 2010 to 2016.
Anthony was one of the first to move the study of translation away from texts and towards translators as people. He has hypothesized that translators can be members of professional intercultures, operating in the overlaps of cultures, and that their highest ethical goal is the promotion of long-term cross-cultural co-operation. He has stressed that the value of translation lies in its contribution to intercultural relations and cross-cultural communication.

His recent research focuses on the creation of trust through many forms of translation, particularly in healthcare communication.

Keynote speech

Virality, isolation and deepening divides could be parts of the world as seen by a translation scholar on a bad day. For each of those terms, one can muster sufficient anecdotes and surprising tendencies to justify blaming huge hidden forces for unleashing evil on us all. Such narratives easily drift into certainties of conspiracy and calls for resistance – or indeed despair and renouncement. Alternatively, one could admit that no individual is able to see all the data that could justify such generalizations; alternative anecdotes and facts are always available; causation and corresponding guilt are typically complex; and our research must thus begin from active recognition of our initial ignorance. It is thus from an actively recognized uncertainty that we need to act empirically, assuming from the outset that our object of knowledge, translation, exceeds its theorization. This paper will explore empiricist responses to some of the more desperate claims currently made with respect to translation: espistemicide, hegemony, and automation. It will outline ways in which knowledge can be produced without assuming any general certitude, without requiring neutrality or objectivity, and with a chance of helping to solve the problems that confront us all.

Our Sponsors

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The conference is a partial output of the following grants:

VEGA 2/0092/23 Translation and Translating as a Part of the Slovak Cultural Space History and Present. Transformations of Form, Status and Functions: Texts, Personages, Institutions.

VEGA 1/0202/21: Reflexia kognitívnych a osobnostných charakteristík v tlmočníckom výkone študentov PaT a profesionálov v reálnom a virtuálnom prostredí (Reflection of Cognitive and Personality Traits in the Interpreting Performance of T&I Students and Professionals in Real and Virtual Environment).

VEGA 2/0009/23 Kreatívne experimenty s textom v perspektíve kritického posthumanizmu: básnická, umelecká a prekladová prax v slovenskej kultúre v medzinárodných súvislostiach/Creative Experiments with Text from the Perspective of Critical Posthumanism: Poetic, Artistic and Translation

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