Book of Abstracts

Translation, Interpreting and Culture 2: Rehumanising Translation and Interpreting Studies

Book of Abstracts, Banská Bystrica, 2021

Our Sponsors

If you’re interested in sponsoring TIC 2023, please contact us for more information. We’re on hand to create a package that meets your needs, so do not hesitate to get in touch at:

The conference is a partial output of the following grants:

VEGA 2/0092/23 Translation and Translating as a Part of the Slovak Cultural Space History and Present. Transformations of Form, Status and Functions: Texts, Personages, Institutions.

VEGA 1/0202/21: Reflexia kognitívnych a osobnostných charakteristík v tlmočníckom výkone študentov PaT a profesionálov v reálnom a virtuálnom prostredí (Reflection of Cognitive and Personality Traits in the Interpreting Performance of T&I Students and Professionals in Real and Virtual Environment).

VEGA 2/0009/23 Kreatívne experimenty s textom v perspektíve kritického posthumanizmu: básnická, umelecká a prekladová prax v slovenskej kultúre v medzinárodných súvislostiach/Creative Experiments with Text from the Perspective of Critical Posthumanism: Poetic, Artistic and Translation

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