David Orrego-Carmona

David Orrego-Carmona is Assistant Professor in Translation at the University of Warwick. After completing a BA in English-French-Spanish Translation at the Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia), he gained an MA (2011) and a PhD (2015) in Translation and Intercultural Studies from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona (Spain). Prior to joining Warwick in 2022, David was Lecturer in Translation Studies (2017-2022) and Director of Postgraduate Studies in Translation Studies (2020-2022) at Aston University. He was also a post-doctoral research fellow (2016) at the University of the Free State (South Africa) and a visiting lecturer at the University of Warsaw (April-July 2022).

David’s research deals primarily with translation, technologies, and users. It analyses how translation technologies empower professional and non-professional translators and how the democratisation of technology allows translation users to become non-professional translators. Using qualitative and quantitative research methods, his work explores the societal affordances and implications of translation and technologies. Ranging from the reception of subtitled content to the implementation of machine translation, David’s research aims at providing more evidence to understand the role of translation and intercultural communication in globalised/transnational societies.

David is the treasurer of the European Association for Studies in Screen Translation, associate editor of the journal Translation Spaces and deputy editor of JoSTrans, the Journal of Specialised Translation.

Keynote speech

Can translation be a factor involuntarily deepening divides?

Different forms of translation, including professional services, machine translation and user-generated translations, are embedded in society and facilitate communication daily, with or without the users’ awareness. The evolution of translation and interpreting studies shows that translation is in constant flux and expansion, and that attention is needed to map its role in society and assess its implications. In this presentation, I will explore how visible and invisible manifestations of translations support human communication in all spheres of life in an interconnected world. I will be zooming into the accelerated implementation of machine translation across translation sectors, including audiovisual translation, and the underlying assumption that MT has the potential to help humans fully overcome language barriers. Drawing on examples of informal uses of MT and the automation of translation processes in the industry, the discussion will question the conceptualisation of translation as a frictionless and effortless procedural exercise. This conceptualisation risks promoting a myth of understanding that assumes contexts are equal and underestimates differences. Within this framework, the talk will address the consequences of digital colonisation and imposed adoption of technology that has the potential to lead to increased inequality and deepening divides in an interconnected but fragmented global society. This will allow for a discussion of how lessons from translation and interpreting studies create spaces to foster mutual acknowledgement and recognition of diversity that might lead to efficient communication and social development.

Our Sponsors

If you’re interested in sponsoring TIC 2023, please contact us for more information. We’re on hand to create a package that meets your needs, so do not hesitate to get in touch at: registration@tic-conference.eu.

The conference is a partial output of the following grants:

VEGA 2/0092/23 Translation and Translating as a Part of the Slovak Cultural Space History and Present. Transformations of Form, Status and Functions: Texts, Personages, Institutions.

VEGA 1/0202/21: Reflexia kognitívnych a osobnostných charakteristík v tlmočníckom výkone študentov PaT a profesionálov v reálnom a virtuálnom prostredí (Reflection of Cognitive and Personality Traits in the Interpreting Performance of T&I Students and Professionals in Real and Virtual Environment).

VEGA 2/0009/23 Kreatívne experimenty s textom v perspektíve kritického posthumanizmu: básnická, umelecká a prekladová prax v slovenskej kultúre v medzinárodných súvislostiach/Creative Experiments with Text from the Perspective of Critical Posthumanism: Poetic, Artistic and Translation

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